Chapter Presentations
Educating Linguistically Diverse Students Spring 2009
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Part III


Chapter 12

Integrating Language and Content

Krashen’s Theory:  Krashen suggests that a second language is more successfully acquired when the conditions are similar to those present in first language acquisition that is when the focus of instruction is on meaning rather than on form.

Integrating Language and Content:

The language Immersion Program- In this method of second/new language instruction, the regular curriculum is taught through the use of the target language.  Children develop the new language at the same time that the learning subject matter content is being taught.  This is happening because teachers are integrating both academic content and language.

The advantages of integrating new language instruction and academic content instruction:

1.       It is more effective than teaching the language in isolation.

2.       Students are able to acquire new vocabulary and language structures and patterns as they are immersed in important and interesting academic content.

3.       It addresses the relationships between language and other aspects of human development.

Models of Integrated Approaches:

1.       Experiential Learning

a.       The process whereby action is linked to knowledge creation

b.      Important dimensions involved include

                                                                           i.      Activity

                                                                         ii.      Reflexion

                                                                        iii.      application

2.       Content Based Language Learning

a.       In this method teachers use instructional materials, learning tasks, and classroom techniques from academic content areas as vehicles for developing language

                                                                           i.      Skills that are emphasized in this approach include

1.       Oral language

2.       Reading Skills

3.       Writing Skills

                                                                         ii.      Students are acquiring language development as well as acquiring knowledge in academic subjects.

b.      In order for this method to successful the following strategies are essential

                                                                           i.      Parentese/caregiver speech (slowing down, rephrasing, repeating, simplifying language)

                                                                         ii.      Making input comprehensible (through use of concrete objects, realia, pictures, demonstrations, gesturing, use of charts, graphs, diagrams)

                                                                        iii.      Organizing instruction from simple to complex

                                                                       iv.      Scaffolding

3.       Sheltered English, or Specially Designed Academic (SDAIE)

a.       In this approach English language learners are taught subject content entirely in English.

b.      Students develop language skills while being engaged in cognitively demanding and grade level appropriate material.

c.       The name “Sheltered” English is given because the teachers use sheltering techniques such as

                                                                           i.      Simplifying the language employed

                                                                         ii.      Adapting the textual material

                                                                        iii.      Introducing and reinforcing new vocabulary

d.      This program is found mostly in secondary schools

4.       Language Experience Approach

a.       In this approach students in a way develop their own reading materials, which the teacher later employs to teach reading skills.

Chapter 13

Curriculum Design and Day to Day English Language Instruction

Five Generic Principles-promote the achievement of high academic standards for English language learners

1.       Principle #1: Facilitate learning through joint, productive activity among teachers and students.

a.       Students must be actively involved in the learning process

2.       Principle #2: To develop students competence in the language and literacy of instruction throughout all instructional activities

3.       Principle #3: Contextualize teaching and curriculum in the experiences and skills of home and community.

4.       Principle #4: Challenge students toward cognitive complexity

5.       Principle #5: Engage students through dialogue, especially in instructional conversation

Planning Interdisciplinary Content Based Thematic Units-this

1.       Choice of Theme

a.       First step is to choose a theme

2.       Choice of Topics

Instructional Objectives

1.       Blooms Taxonomy

a.       Cognitive Domain

                                                               i.      Knowledge

                                                             ii.      Comprehension

                                                            iii.      Application

                                                           iv.      Analysis

                                                             v.      Synthesis

                                                           vi.      Evaluation

b.      Affective Domain

                                                               i.      Receiving

                                                             ii.      Responding

                                                            iii.      Valuing

                                                           iv.      Organizing

                                                             v.      internalizing

c.       Psychomotor Domain

                                                               i.      Moving

                                                             ii.      Manipulating

                                                            iii.      Communicating               



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